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Safeguarding Children Training Courses

Working Together to Safeguard Children - The Bradford Partnership provides a range of multi-agency training courses both face to face and via e-learning to meet the needs of professionals and volunteers working with children and young people in the Bradford District.

Information about Safeguarding Children training courses and how to book a place is provided below:


Please click the relevant link below to  log in/create an account and use the search field in the top right hand corner to find the course you wish to book on. Please note to access the course booking system you will need to use an up to date Internet Explorer browser 10 or above or Google Chrome.

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Please note – external users will need to sign up/sign into their account before being able to view accurate places available as each course is set into allocations for the individual agencies so will only show once it knows where you work. If the course date you want is full you can email us at to be placed on the waiting list. Most of our courses run from 9.30am to 4.30pm, with registration from 9am and our half day courses 9.30am to 12.30pm. This will be stated on the course flyer and confirmation email. Please ensure you can attend the whole course prior to booking.

The demand for places on training courses is high and we want to make sure every place booked is a place used. We incur costs in order to provide courses and need to be assured that we are spending our budget wisely. A cancellation charge will be applied for all places unless:

  • Notice of the need to cancel the place has been received by the Training Administrator (by email or telephone) at least 5 working days prior for ½ and 1 day courses or at least 10 working days prior for 2 day courses.
  • You/your agency have identified a suitable substitute to attend in your place.

Please see our FAQ document for further details and charges (PDF)

For any queries, please contact:

Michelle Jones

Training Administrator

14th and 15th January 2025

This 2 day training course is run on consecutive days. The SAAF is a structured decision making tool which has been designed to enhance and facilitate the quality of decision making by professionals who are working directly with children and families where there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer significant harm.

The SAAF course is designed to help those working directly with children and their families to make analysis of the level of harm suffered or likely to be suffered by the child; the risk of re-abuse or likelihood of future harm; and the prospects for successful intervention in cases that professionals find complex. The focus of the SAAF is on analysis and decision making and enabling practitioners to evidence the rational underpinning their recommendations and decisions. The SAAF is designed to enhance professional judgments. It is intended to enable professionals to give a sound, evidence based opinions in multi-disciplinary contexts, including the courts about actions required in order to prevent children suffering future harm.

This 2 day training course is run on consecutive days. The SAAF is a structured decision making tool which has been designed to enhance and facilitate the quality of decision making by professionals who are working directly with children and families where there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer significant harm.

The SAAF course is designed to help those working directly with children and their families to make analysis of the level of harm suffered or likely to be suffered by the child; the risk of re-abuse or likelihood of future harm; and the prospects for successful intervention in cases that professionals find complex. The focus of the SAAF is on analysis and decision making and enabling practitioners to evidence the rational underpinning their recommendations and decisions. The SAAF is designed to enhance professional judgments. It is intended to enable professionals to give a sound, evidence based opinions in multi-disciplinary contexts, including the courts about actions required in order to prevent children suffering future harm.

The course incorporates:

• Knowledge (practice wisdom and up to date research findings);

• Skills development (core skills of observation, listening,     interviewing, recording,gathering information, analysis, reporting, decision making, planning, intervention, reviewing and evaluation); and

• Values and related skills (working with all children and young    people, parents and carers, family members and other professionals - recognising and valuing diversity and difference

Professionals who this training course is suitable to:

- Level 2 and 3 Social Workers
- Social Work Practice Supervisors
- Social Work Team Managers
- Education safeguarding staff
- Designated safeguarding leads within schools
- Health professionals with a direct role in safeguarding children     and families
- Police in safeguarding children role

(2-day course, you must be available for both days)

Lindsey Hussain - Safeguarding Training Coordinator
Lindsay Harmasch - Learning & Development Manager

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Thursday 27th February 2025 – 9.30 - 12.30pm

For those professionals who work with caseloads of children and young people with complex health needs – and who already understand the increased safeguarding risks disabled children and their families ‘face’ - striking the balance between Effective Support and Respectful Challenge can be a daily professional dilemma – working on and in the margins.

This is a 3-hour workshop designed to give staff in universal services an insight into the issues which are specific to safeguarding disabled children.


  • Learning from Serious Case Reviews
  • Recognising why the risk factors for child abuse are increased for disabled children.
  • Discussing some potential signs of abuse
  • Knowing how to respond when you have a safeguarding concern
  • Effective support and respectful challenge
  • Exploring good practice tools

Trainer - Jackie Bateman

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Tuesday 20th May 2025

Wednesday 10TH September 2025

Thursday 5th February 2026

This course aims to help professionals understand the full effect of sexual abuse on children and the developing adult. It will also offer an opportunity to explore this very difficult, complicated, emotive, complex, sensitive area of child protection and will offer straight forward advice as to how to manage and cope with this difficult issue. Understanding the effects of child sexual abuse on child development and brain development will help the professional to cope with disclosures both verbal and non verbal and help to understand the coping mechanisms and behaviour that the children develop as survival techniques.

This course will explore and explain the rules involved in managing disclosures, talking to parents and working together with other agencies.

Trainer - Jenni Whitehead

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Thursday 3rd April 2025

Wednesday 24th September 2025

Thursday 15th January 2026

Details of Training: To facilitate discussion and address concerns about working with families who are partially compliant or deliberately mislead agencies and also consider lessons from practice, research and Serious Case/Child Practice Reviews regarding the implications for work to safeguard children in these families.

To gain further understanding of patterns of behaviour that indicate deception and risk and increase ability to assess risk to children living in families where they may be hidden from professional view.

This course will also develop skills to identify and challenge deliberate avoidance and misrepresentation.

Trainer - Ruth Pearson

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)


Tuesday 8th April 2025

Monday 16th June 2025

Monday 22nd September 2025

Thursday 11th December 2025

Multi agency training designed for any partner agencies involved in the child protection process. The training will cover when to initiate a strategy discussion, professional’s roles when attending child protection conferences, core groups and/or work with children on child protection plans.  This will also include:

  • consider the purpose of the conference
  • review the role & responsibility of child protection chair
  • your role as a safeguarding partner
  • implementing a child protection plan
  • meet other professionals & agencies
  • networking / Q&A

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)


Are you perplexed ? 

  • Do you understand Perplexing Presentations / Factitious fabricated illness, are you aware of new guidance?
  • Do you feel confident in making / assessing a referral on PP/ FII
  • Do you feel confident enough to express your opinion in a safeguarding meeting about possible FII?
  • Are you able to challenge decisions making with regard to risk for children?

This is a Professional Practice session on PP / FII Aimed at: Frontline Practitioners all agencies:

The session is based upon effective multi-agency working and case discussion. Case discussions will form the basis of multi-agency conversations about risk using current practice methods.


Dr Ruth Skelton - Designated Dr SG Bradford district

Detective Inspector Ian Cottrell

Lindsay Harmacsch - Learning and Development Manager

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Thursday 30th January 2025

Wednesday 2nd April 25 

Thursday 9th Oct 25 

Thursday 29th Jan 26 

Target Audience

This course is for managers of staff who work in a role with children including both statutory and voluntary agencies/settings.

Course aim

To ensure that all organisations that provide services to children, or provide staff or volunteers to work with or care for children, operate a procedure for managing allegations against staff that are consistent with the following:

·        Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

·        Bradford Partnerships Procedures for Allegations against Staff, Carers and Volunteers

·        Section 11 Children’s Act 2004 and Section 175 Education Act 2002; places duties on organisations and individuals to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

Learning outcomes

By the end of the session participants will :-

·        Understand the criteria for applying the procedure

·        Understand their role and responsibility in ensuring that their organisation follows the procedures

Understand the role of the Designated Officer (DO)

Who will present the course?

Lindsey Hussain – Multi-agency Training Coordinator, Bradford Partnership and Dawn Holt and Alan Lynam – Local Authority Designated Officers 

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab) 


Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Wednesday 26th February 2025

Wednesday 23rd April 2025

Wednesday 21st May 2025

Wednesday 25th June 2025

Wednesday 16th July 2025

Wednesday 24th September 2025

Wednesday 22nd October 2025

Wednesday 26th November 2025

Breaking the Cycle staff bring you an up to date perspective and real life examples from working on the frontline with young people who are involved in or vulnerable of becoming involved in county lines, urban street gangs and serious organised crime. These interactive workshops will provide a valuable insight into the signs to look out for of criminal exploitation, the grooming cycle and involvement in county lines activity. This workshop will provide an insight into how to confidently respond in helping support young people in reducing their vulnerability.

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)



10.00 – 16.00

This multi-agency training consists of seven sessions, which will comprise PowerPoint Slide Shows, presented ‘live’ using MS Teams. Each presentation will be around 20-30 minutes, from 10am- 4pm, after which there will be time for Q&A, discussion and reflection. Links will be contained within the Slide Shows or sent separately in an email. Short film clips are used to bring the research close to practice.

Session 1 Understanding Trauma

Session 2 What might contemporary science be able to tell us about Trauma?

Session 3 Recognising and working with traumatised individuals

Session 4 Working with Traumatised Children and Adults 

Session 5 Recovering from Trauma

Session 6 The ‘Art and Science of Relationships’

Session 7 What is Compassion Fatigue and what can we do about it?

Participants will receive PDFs of each PowerPoint presentation at the end of the programme. The session is for all multi-agency professionals.

Presenter: Professor David Shemmings OBE PHD, Emeritus Professor University of Kent, Visiting Professor, Royal Holloway University of London.

This training is aimed for those professionals working with Adults or Children.   

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Thursday 22nd May 2025

Opportunities to live well and safely are not equally available to our children. This multiagency training is an interactive session where participants will focus on case studies and work through the neglect tool kit. The course also looks at the association between neglect and poverty and how to consider poverty and inequality when planning for children. This training has been supported by the following agencies: Children’s services, police, education, and Health to provide perspectives of the roles and responsibilities of each agency when working with children and their families where neglect is prevalent.


  1. To remind ourselves of what neglect is.
  2. To discuss the interplay between poverty and neglect.
  3. To consider strategies to hear the voice of the child.
  4. Learning from CSPR where neglect has been a theme.
  5. To learn how to work through the neglect toolkit. 

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Professional Practice Session on Bruising on Immobile Babies and Children 

Do you understand what steps to take when spotting bruising on babies? Are you aware of multi-agency protocol for the assessment of bruises? Do you feel confident in making / assessing a referral on bruising on immobile babies and what questions to ask?

Are you able to challenge decisions making with regards to risk for children?

This is a Professional Practice session on immobile babies Aimed at: Front line Practitioners from all agencies: The session is based upon effective multi-agency working and case discussion. Case discussions will form the basis of multi-agency conversations about risk using current practice methods. The session will look at bruising in babies and children looking at real case examples. The session will cover barriers to effective working and looking at how we can improve.

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)


Kindly note that this training is only for the members of Bradford's workforce.

Join us for an immersive experience in learning about trauma-informed practices in Bradford!

Our expert speakers will guide you through the Tier 1 Trauma-informed Practice framework, equipping you with the necessary skills to provide trauma-informed care. This event is perfect for healthcare professionals, social workers, educators, and anyone interested in trauma-informed care. Following the training, you will receive the CPD certificate upon completion.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and gain valuable knowledge and insights. Register now to secure your spot!

Trauma-informed Practice: Principles, framework and key practices:

  1. Adversity: what childhood and adult adversities are, and their impact
  2. Trauma: recognising trauma and learning how to respond to foster positive outcomes
  3. Resilience: how to help build resilience and how it can help a person heal
  4. Trauma-informed Practice: principles, framework and the fundamentals of applying these within your work's context.

The training also looks into these:

  • Building trusting relationships
  • Discussing traumatic experiences
  • Choice, collaboration and empowerment
  • Staff well-being

For further details and to book your place please click on the link below:

Tier: 1 Trauma-informed Practice Bradford [Online] Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite


Thursday 12th June 2025

Tuesday 7th October 2025

Wednesday 4th February 2026

This training session Includes both presentation and inter-active exercises. The whole session emphasises action planning to take learning and practical skills forward into practice.
The session aims and objectives:
• To facilitate discussion and address concerns about engaging with men in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
• To consider lessons from practice and research relating to hidden/invisible/unseen men
• To acknowledge values and context around issues of gender and fatherhood
• To consider the significance of men’s roles in safeguarding children
• To develop practical ways of effectively engaging with men
• Setting the Scene:
• Issues from national SCR/CPRs
• Local Issues – what is relevant for your LSCB/P – i.e. recent Reviews; issues of poverty/demographics; ethnicity (to be informed by consultation with LSCB/P or agency)
• Defining issues, looking at research – and issues of gender and fatherhood
• Issues from Practice
• Who are we talking about? - partners/ex partners/friends/friends of friends/friends of partners/fathers/grandfathers?
• Reasons why men may be 'hidden' – ignored, avoided, avoiding, concealed.
• Men as positive for children; men who pose a risk to children.
• Blocks and difficulties
• Picking up evidence of another adult; questioning and challenging
• Block and difficulties – Personal, Professional and Organisational
• Practical skills development
• Issues of authoritative working & focus on the child
• Assertiveness and gaining repertoire of what to say.
• Where do we go with anxieties and issues of staff safety?
• Suggestions of useful questions and approaches
• Action Planning- what we can do – looking at the Personal, Professional and Organisational Training can be tailored to LSCB/Agency needs Single agency or multi-agency.

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)

Thursday 24th April 2025

Thursday 18th September 2025

Thursday 22nd January 2026

Time:  12.30 - 15.30pm

The Missing Children training focuses on the following:

missing themes, and why children run away.

Reporting strategies and safeguarding planning.

Exploitation and the correlations.

The Philomena Protocol, what it is, why it is completed.

Missing from Care Framework; how it fits within our organisation, how to escalate if you are unhappy with decision making and the Missing process.

The training is aimed at all professionals working with children

Join the First 2024 Practitioner Forum with the Independent Scrutineer of the Bradford Children's Safeguarding Partnership.

An Open Session for Safeguarding Professionals

Event Overview:

This informal session marks the commencement of our 2024 series of practitioner forums, offering a unique opportunity for frontline safeguarding professionals to engage directly with the current Independent Scrutineer of the Bradford Children's Safeguarding Partnership.

Why Attend?

  • Learn Directly from the Independent Scrutineer: Gain insights into the role, current activities, and the impactful work undertaken by the Children's Partnership.
  • Voice Your Experiences: Share your perspectives and experiences in a supportive setting, contributing to the safeguarding dialogue.
  • Engage in Two-Way Communication: This session facilitates meaningful dialogue between safeguarding partnerships and frontline practitioners, ensuring your voice is heard.

Key Objectives of the Practitioner Forums:

  • Foster two-way communication between safeguarding partnerships and practitioners.
  • Develop common practice across the Bradford District.
  • Address developmental needs benefiting vulnerable children, adults, and families.
  • Share skills and expertise, enhancing service delivery.
  • Disseminate essential information and learnings from statutory reviews.
  • Collaborate on specific issues, identifying barriers and necessary support mechanisms.
  • Serve as a platform for discussing impacts on vulnerable groups and practitioner engagement strategies.

Who Should Attend?

Safeguarding professionals across all levels seeking to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children, and families within the Bradford District.

Janice Hawkes - Independent Chair and Scrutineer

Tuesday 8th April 2025

Wednesday 2nd July 2025

Thursday 13th November 2025

Tuesday 24th February 2026

This FACE TO FACE professional practice session explores the complex nature of self-neglect and how this relates to safeguarding adults as well as issues surrounding mental capacity. This interactive session will also explore how self-neglect is associated with hoarding and other complex issues. Practitioners from housing officers to social workers, police and health professionals can find working with people who self-neglect extremely challenging. In this session professionals will work through a case study exploring these complexities and look at how we can offer people support without causing distress and understand the limitations to our interventions if the person does not wish to engage. 


Lindsey Hussain - Multiagency Safeguarding training coordinator 

Miranda Stead - Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Adults

Monday 18th November 2024

This training is for partners working and volunteering with adults and children, this provides a great opportunity for people to share their experiences.

The training will look at:

•     Understanding culture both individually and     within a wider social context.

•     Understanding self, including cultural humility.

The training will be delivered in a participatory way, and it aims to create safe spaces for people to have conversations.

Some of the things that will be explored in this training include:

•  Becoming aware of our own cultural norms, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours.

•  To examine our own personal biases, stereotypes, and prejudices.

•  Better understand what unconscious bias is and to reflect upon their own.

•  Understanding what is meant by ‘culture’ and why it is important for health professionals to be aware of how this can impact health.

•  Understanding the impact cultural differences might have on interactions with others.

•  Become comfortable with “not knowing” – Balancing their expert knowledge with being open to learning from the community and people’s lived experiences.

Recent feedback from participants on the training include:

  • The most interactive EDI session I’ve ever been to!
  • Confidence to love un-comfortability covered in a non-threatening way.
  • Thought Provoking.
  • I enjoyed the group discussions and felt safe voicing my opinions within the group.
  • Well contextualised, useful activities to help reflection on self-bias etc.
  • Feel better informed and mindful of own practice.
  • Thinking more widely about people of different backgrounds.

Many vulnerable and open conversations of past experiences is eye opening

Training Facilitator:

Gary Blake works as a training manager for West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership and for the last two and a half years has been working with cross-sector partners to develop this training. Before being employed by the NHS he spent 30 years working in the Third Sector developing and delivering a wide range of training. including Youth Work, Community Development, Community Cohesion, Participatory Research and Volunteer Management. 


We are pleased to announce the forthcoming Neglect: Supporting Safeguarding in Practice Conference as we work together to secure positive outcomes for our babies, children and young people in the district.

Neglect is a key priority for the Partnership and the conference will provide an important update on the approach to our collective work to better understand and respond to neglect. We will present the newly agreed NSPCC Graded Care Profile 2 tool and discuss how it will be used across organisations, to enable consistent assessment and intervention with our families.

We will also explore adolescent neglect and transitional safeguarding with our keynote speaker Dez Holmes (Research in Practice).

The conference will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and explore further collaboration in our approach to neglect in Bradford and it will benefit organisations that work with adults, children and families and those with safeguarding responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  • Voluntary, Community & Independent Sector
  • Education
  • Housing
  • Youth Service
  • Police
  • Children’s Social Care
  • Early Help
  • Health Sector
  • Youth Justice Service

To register please go here (Once registered/logged in please click on the events tab)