Helping to create a safer district for everyone
News, events and information
Darren Minton, Board Manager of Bradford Safeguarding Partnership Business Unit, BSAB and BDSCP talks about facing new challenges ahead with the year to come.
If you see someone who is potentially homeless and sleeping rough out on the street, how do you help? Bradford Council has commissioned a service to help and how you can get involved.
Darren Minton, Board Manager of BDSCP & BSAB Business Partnership talks about staying connected, community and keeping warm this winter.
Darren Minton, Board Manager of BDSCP & BSAB Business Partnership talks about Self-neglect in the Bradford area, and how we can understand and address it.
Darren Minton, Board Manager of BDSCP & BSAB Business Partnership talks about Child Neglect in the Bradford area, and how we can understand and address it.
The latest publication of the Bradford District Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report has been published.
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Our most widely-used or most recently published resources
BDSCP Yearly Report 2023 - 2024 (high resolution for print)
BDSCP Yearly Report 2023 - 2024 (accessible high resolution for print)
Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) Annual Report for 2023-2024