If an adult or child is in immediate danger you should ring the emergency services or contact the police on 999
If the situation does not require emergency assistance you should report your concerns using the links below, or to the right:
Report a Concern about a child (practitioners)
Report a Concern about a child (public)
Report a concern about an adult
Report a concern about an organisation
Additional information about reporting concerns can be found in the boxes below
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child in the Bradford District, these are the numbers that you can call for advice and to make a referral:
- During office hours call Children's Social Care Practitioners Advice and Referral Line - 01274 433999 - (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday)
- At all other times, Social Services Emergency Duty Team - 01274 431010
- If you have reason to believe that a child is at immediate risk of harm, contact the police on 999
- Members of the public call Freephone 0800 9530966
In Bradford, safeguarding children is everybody's business. Safeguarding Children means protecting children from physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. It also means improving their life chances by supporting children to grow up to be confident, healthy and happy adults.
If you are concerned that a child is being harmed you must not keep these concerns to yourself. Contact the numbers above to ensure that you speak to a suitable person who can listen to and record your concerns and then take the appropriate action.
Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility.
If you have been told about or notice abuse or neglect:
- Ensure the immediate safety and welfare of the adult and any other person at risk
- If urgent attention is needed for health or safety dial 999
- If a crime needs to be reported call the police on 101 or you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
- Preserve any evidence
- Accurately record the incident, any action or decisions. Make sure you sign it and add the date and time
Safeguarding Adults Service
The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s Safeguarding Adults Service is the point of contact for reporting adult safeguarding concerns.
All adult safeguarding concerns are received and screened by the Safeguarding Duty Team. Where necessary information is shared with professional partners across the district.
When reporting the safeguarding concern you will need to indicate if you are the following:
- Adult at Risk - use this if you are the person being abused or neglected.
- Member of the Public - use this if you are a concerned member of the public or a friend or relative of the person being abused or neglected.
- Professionals/Organisations - use this if you know the person being abused or neglected in a professional capacity or you are reporting the concern on behalf of an organisation that knows the person.
You can contact the Safeguarding Duty Team using the online form or by telephoning 01274 431077
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Guidance for completing a safeguarding concern can be found here
The Joint Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures can be accessed via this weblink
The Safeguarding Duty Team cannot screen safeguarding concerns outside of working hours.
For assistance outside of working hours please contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT)
Out of Hours Emergency Duty Team
Telephone: Independence Advice Hub (IAH) on 01274 435400 (outside office hours)
Monday to Thursday: 5pm to 7.30am
Friday to Monday: 4.30pm to 7.30am
Organisational Abuse Enquires
Organisational abuse is defined as, ‘the mistreatment or abuse or neglect of an adult at risk by a regime or individuals within settings and services that adults at risk live in or use, that violate the person’s dignity, resulting in lack of respect for their human rights.’ (Care and Support statutory guidance, 2014ii)
This form should be used by professionals or members of the public to raise a safeguarding concern in relation to a service.
- If your concerns relates to a ‘Contact Management Issue’ then it would be more appropriate for you to make a referral to the Commissioning Team
- If you have a safeguarding concerns that relates to an identified individual then you should also raise an individual safeguarding concern
Visit our Anti-social Behaviour page to find out more about different types of Anti Social Behaviour and how to report any concerns. Try to include as much information as you can when you report including date, time, location and vehicle registration if relevant.
- For non urgent issues and to pass on information, call West Yorkshire Police on 101.
- In an emergency (if a crime is in progress or you think the offenders are near by), call 999.
- To give information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
- To report online to West Yorkshire Police visit West Yorkshire Police website
- Email to report anti social use of a vehicle
This online form is designed solely for the reporting of nuisance / obstructive parking issues