The purpose is to:
- Provide all organisations and groups that work with / are involved with children and young people with the opportunity to provide an account of how they prioritise safeguarding
- Provide evidence of how your organisation or group has been able to learn and improve in how you do this
The role of The Bradford Partnership is to support this exercise and to collate the responses in order that the Board may determine:
- What the self-assessments tell us about the effectiveness of arrangements for the safeguarding of children and young people in Bradford
- What this tells us about the effectiveness of joint working to protect children and young people in Bradford
The results of the audit will then form an important part of:
- Demonstrating in a transparent way how all organisations, professionals and others who are involved with children, young people and their families are accountable for how individually – and collectively – they safeguard children in Bradford
- The Bradford Partnership Annual Report which is a public statement as to the sufficiency of joint working arrangements to protect children and young people in Bradford
- The development of priorities to provide leadership and support for learning and improvement, and sharing things that work well
Who does the Section 11 Audit apply to?
Working Together 2018 identifies that the Section 11 applies to the following agencies and organisations:
- Local authorities and district councils that provide children’s and other types of services, including children’s and adult social care services, public health, housing, sport, culture and leisure services, licensing authorities and youth services
- NHS organisations, including the NHS Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning groups, NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts
- The police, including police and crime commissioners and the chief officer of each police force in England and the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime in London
- British Transport Police
- National Probation Service and Community Rehabilitation Company
- Governors/Directors of Prisons and Young Offender Institutions
- Directors of Secure Training Centres
- Youth Offending Teams/Services
- Private and voluntary organisations who are commissioned or contracted to provide services on behalf of the bodies listed above