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Future events

Past events

Child Sexual Exploitation and Learning Disabilities workshops – May 2017

Barnardo's in partnership with the BSCB are hosting two workshops in May 2017 entitled ‘Unprotected, overprotected: meeting the needs of young people with learning disabilities who experience, or are at risk of, sexual exploitation’.

Internet Safety for Children Conference 12/06/17

The conference, which has been organised by Bradford’s Safeguarding Children Board, is aimed at managers and senior managers from the different agencies across the District who are involved in child protection, as well as secondary school staff who are involved in supporting young people and their parents to help them access the internet safely.

Professional Practice – Challenge Multi-agency learning event Thursday 14th June and Friday 13th July 2018

Professional Practice Forum – Cumulative Harm – Monday 1st October or Monday 12th November 2018

Working Together – thresholds, consent and the Front Door – 1/2 day events

Launch of Bradford’s Continuum of Need and Risk Identification Tool

Child Death Review Mortality Meetings – overview of the new process