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The Joint Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures website is now live Mon 24 Apr 2023

A Joint Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures website is now available to use by all partner organisations in West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire and City of York. The existing Joint Policy and Procedures will be transferred onto an easy-to-use online system which will be managed by tri.x



You will be able to access the Joint Multi-agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures via this weblink

Online launch sessions

You are invited to attend one of the online launch sessions that will take place over the coming weeks. These sessions will walk you through the new procedures system, to ensure that you get the most out of using it. The sessions will take place via MS Teams on the following dates:

  • Thursday 27 April, 10-11am
  • Tuesday 2 May, 1-2pm
  • Friday 12 May, 11-12noon

You only need to attend one session as the same information will be presented each time. 

If you would like to register for one of the sessions, please email, indicating which session you wish to attend.  One of the sessions will also be recorded and a link made available to watch back.

Benefits of the new look procedures include:

  • Accessible, navigable, and well structured
  • Relevant and helpful to a range of direct practice situations
  • Makes sense of complex legislation and statutory requirements in a practical way
  • Reflects the needs of practitioners across the full range of adult health and social care
  • Provides practical support with a range of exclusive tools and guidance which have been tried and tested by practitioners and adults with care and support needs
  • Promotes a personalised approach to practice
  • Provides access to a range of trusted tri.x resources, including a comprehensive glossary
  • Makes best use of available technology, including flexible content management, 24 hour and mobile access

About the Policy and Procedures

The Policy and Procedures are for use by all practitioners, volunteers, services, and partner agencies in the Bradford District.

The procedures are divided into the following sections:

  • Safeguarding Adults Core procedures
  • Safeguarding Adults practice guidance
  • Learning and Improvement

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to BSAB:

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